

we are  a mobile website creation platform that makes it easy to turn existing websites into mobile optimized sites. Founded in 2009, Duda is on mission to make all websites mobile-friendly. While we love our iPhones, Blackberrys and Android devices, we are not big fans of pinching and zooming our way through the mobile web. Or reading text too small for the human eye. Because of this poor experience, we set out to optimize the web for mobile devices.

 In 2010,
Just Click The below image to reach there buddy

Give your clients a mobile solution with DudaMobile!

Duda launched a hosted technology platform to convert and optimize websites for mobile devices. Now licensed by AT&T, Webs.com, Logoworks by HP, Yahoo! and other leading companies, nearly 2 million small- and medium-sized businesses and consumer mobile sites have been built, and are currently hosted, on the DudaMobile platform.

 Make a Free Mobile Website with DudaMobile

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